
We all have things we need to do to make ourselves better people. Sometimes along the road we may work hard to improve ourselves. At other times, the best we can do is just survive. Endure. I've been in both situations and I'm guessing, so have you.

I get to work with the awesome youth in our church. In doing this, I also have the opportunity to work on a series of goals, just as I did in my youth. This program is called Personal Progress. It made quite an impact on me in my youth, and I have found in the few months since I started it again, there is much I am learning and that brings me strength.

So this blog is a record of my journey on that path. Feel free to comment, I'd love to know about your journey as well.

If you'd like to know more about the Personal Progress program or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, links are to the right. Enjoy!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Good Works Value Experience #1

Learn why service is a fundamental principle of the gospel. Read Matthew 5:13-16; 25:34-40; Galatians 6:9-10; James 1:22-27; Mosiah 2:17; 4:26; and 3 Nephi 13:1-4. Others often give service you may not notice, such as preparing meals, reading to or listening to younger children, repairing clothing, or helping a brother or sister. For two weeks record in your journal the quiet acts of service your family members and others perform. Acknowledge their service in some meaningful way.

Service is a fundamental principle of the gospel because, as stated in James 1:27, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this. . ." to give service! To keep in mind and give aid to those who are in need of the love and service we can give.

I can think of no better way for us to come to have some small understanding (even though it cannot be compared equally) as to how Christ and the Father can love us, even with all of our shortcomings. How Christ could suffer for everything we have or will suffer.

When Christ was born on the earth, he had his mission revealed to him line upon line; piece by piece. The veil had also been placed over him. I do not know if as he learned of His divine mission the veil was lifted enough that he remembered me personally, or if he simply knew I was worth it, because he knew that at some point, He knew I was worth it enough to promise to fulfill what had to be done in order for me to return to our Heavenly Father. But I know He did it, regardless. How incredible is that?!!

The only way that we get a sense-or the best way we get a sense of how important each one of us is as a child of God is to serve one another. We cannot serve everyone in the world, but as we get to know others and learn THEIR story, we cannot help but love them, and this miraculous thing happens along the way too. We realize that He must love us with all of our idiosyncrasies as well!

This is one of the reasons that families are so vital also. It is within the family unit that we first learn to love and to serve.

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