
We all have things we need to do to make ourselves better people. Sometimes along the road we may work hard to improve ourselves. At other times, the best we can do is just survive. Endure. I've been in both situations and I'm guessing, so have you.

I get to work with the awesome youth in our church. In doing this, I also have the opportunity to work on a series of goals, just as I did in my youth. This program is called Personal Progress. It made quite an impact on me in my youth, and I have found in the few months since I started it again, there is much I am learning and that brings me strength.

So this blog is a record of my journey on that path. Feel free to comment, I'd love to know about your journey as well.

If you'd like to know more about the Personal Progress program or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, links are to the right. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Virtue Value Experience #3

Prepare to be worthy to enter the temple and to participate in temple ordinances. Read Alma chapter 5. Make a list of the questions Alma asks. Answer the questions for yourself, and make a list of the things you can and will do to prepare yourself to be pure and worthy to enter the temple and receive all the blessings our Heavenly Father has promised His beloved daughters.

Alma 5:6-The Book of Mormon is filled with examples of the Lord's mercy for His children. When I first read this verse, I quickly think of times in my life when I haven't been as faithful as I should have been and I am reminded of the sweetness of the gospel. How, when I am obedient and live the life of a disciple, the comfort and peacefulness of our loving Father is right there. I feel exactly as is described in verse 7, "Behold, he changed their hearts; yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God. . ."
Alma 5:8-9-Of course they were loosed-and what's more, as verse 9 states "and their souls did expand." What a beautiful way to describe what happens to us when we choose to follow Christ. It is also important to note the end of verse 9, "And I say unto you that they are saved." Are. Not were.
Alma 5:10-Alma believed God's word as spoken through Abinadi the prophet. He believed and a mighty change was wrought in his heart. This too can happen to each of us. We just need to put our trust in God.
And now to the real meat of it :)
Alma 5:14-Rarely, has any scripture been so ingrained in my heart and mind. Of any other scriptures reminiscent of my seminary years, this one holds special memories for me.
As a ninth grader, I was fortunate enough to have made a dear friend. One for life, who is as dear to me as my sisters.
We found ourselves one day after school visiting our favorite teacher, from our favorite class.
I don't remember if there was anything specific that prompted him to give us this little lesson. Perhaps it was to teach us that friendships made when two people love the Lord can last forever.
We had ventured down to his office because we were concerned that our strong friendship would not remain if we didn't have seminary together any longer. It seems so silly now, a hundred years and ten thousand worries later :)
He proceeded to pull out a magazine and show us a picture of a very troubled soul. He asked us a few questions about the person in the picture. Details I don't remember. What I do remember is my impression that it was not a happy person, or one who even kept commandments.
It seems very harsh to me now, explaining that. To not even know a person and judge them by what you see, but for the purpose of the lesson at hand, it was necessary and effective.
He then pulled out a recent copy of the New Era. He opened to a page with a picture of someone very familiar to me, one I knew of her character well. He again asked our impression of the ones in the pictures. The two were polar opposites. The New Era picture was of someone who was happy-not that she was laughing or even smiling much in the picture-but you could tell it was someone who kept the commandments. What was more, I knew this girl was virtuous. I knew that because I knew her. It was a picture of that dear, sweet friend standing next to me.
I don't remember much more about that occasion. We left feeling more secure in our friendship-one that has lasted far beyond any other. Since high school, we've rarely even lived in the same state, we only talk once or twice a year, but remain as close as sisters.
Sometime later, months-if not years-I came across Alma 5:14 and it hit me like a bolt of lightning. "Have you received His image in your countenance?" I picked up the phone and called her right away. This was the very lesson our wonderful seminary teacher had been teaching us. He may have even referenced this scripture at that time, it would make a lot of sense. I don't remember.
Something about that lesson, and me discovering that scripture left an indelible mark on me. I know what it is like to look at someone and see His image in their countenance. Moreover, I know that is someone I can count on and trust. It is something that I've always hoped people could see in me.
I realize that this friend is not a perfect person and that she has had times in her life when she has struggled, but I also know of her great goodness and love for those around her. She reminds me that it is possible to have hope when all seems lost, to put faith to the test and not let fear and anxiety take over and above all, that each of us truly has inside of us a great connection, one that when we strive to have his Spirit to be with us, reminds us that we are not just strangers aimlessly wandering this earth, but brothers and sisters in an eternal family and when we treat each other as such, it brings great richness and joy to this earthly existence.
Considering that question "Have your received His image in your countenance?" is of utmost importance as we strive to be worthy to enter the temple. For me, it is a clear and concise way to consider if I am living as He would have me live.

Virtue Value Experience #2

Virtuous living "at all times and in all things, and in all places" qualifies you for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. When you are baptized and confirmed, you are given the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide all aspects of your life. Since the Holy ghost does not dwell in unclean tabernacles, living a virtuous life is a prerequisite to having the companionship of the Holy Ghost and receiving the blessings of temple ordinances. Read the following scripture references and identify the promised blessings: John 14:26-27; 15:26; 2 Nephi 32:1-5; and Doctrine and Covenants 45:57-59; 88:3-4; 121:45-46. In your journal record what you have learned, and write about a time when you felt the guidance of the Holy Ghost.

I love reading about the promised blessings of the Holy Ghost. I was particularly touched with Doctrine and Covenants 121:45-46-be full of charity towards all men and live in faith and be faithful-be virtuous and the Holy Ghost will be your constant companion and without 'compulsory means' it shall flow unto thee forever and ever. Wow. If I live the right way, the Spirit will just BE there. Love that promise!
I remember when my husband came home from work one morning in August 2007 and said he'd had an 'epiphany' that I could go to work part time for the insurance and he could work per-diem. No benefits, but making a lot more money. It also meant he could cut drastically down on his hours, which were significant.
I was less than thrilled with the idea. I had worked outside of the home before and did not want to miss out on raising my children and being there when they needed me. But I recognized enough in his 'epiphany' that I knew I needed to consider it.
I proceeded to less than halfheartedly look for work and update my resume and references. My husband came home from work one day, mentioning the many people who were moving from his unit to the new hospital once it opened. He had spoken with his manager and learned about some positions that were opening that I was qualified for. He told his manager about some of my experience and the manager asked that I call him. I felt stuck. . .smiling at my well-meaning husband, he went off to bed peacefully, and "grumble, grumble, grumble" went I.
Not being able to procrastinate that phone call very long, knowing that I was expected, I called and we had a chat. The manager of the department wanted to meet with me and we set up an interview time. This process was going a lot faster than I wanted it to! The interview went very well and, pending a reference check, I was essentially hired.
I had put off really praying about going back to work because I was afraid of the answer I would receive. Now it was crunch time. Time to get an answer and I couldn't deny it.
I remember it was in the evening. Either my wise, wonderful husband (no sarcasm there-he really is these things) was at work, or he' gone to bed and I'd stayed up. I knelt extremely conflicted next to the couch and I said a prayer. I was more conflicted than ever and I just cried and cried. As my tears quieted, I realized that submitting to the will of the Lord and truly getting an answer would be much preferable to the conflict I was experiencing. I also knew that the voice of reason to make the decision to submit to His will was not my own, but the very still, small voice of the Spirit.
With the decision to submit made, I prayed. I didn't just say a prayer. I prayed to know what would be right for our family. What Heavenly Father would have me do.
I knew two things at once. That I should accept this job offer, and that it would be a good thing for our family, that it would be a blessing.
From that time forward, I was fine. Truly fine. Countless blessings arose from that time in our lives:
-Our children spent more quality time with their paternal grandparents. Those early months of my going back to work before my husband's schedule was adjusted to be home more were the last few months on Earth that we had with Grandma. A fact we were not aware of at the time I first accepted the job.
-Dad was around a lot more-which was awesome!
-I made many new friends. Good and wonderful people who became lifelong friends.
-I felt successful! And appreciated! I say that so simply, but I know it was something I was in need of.
-I never had to work a night shift. I was scheduled to work Christmas Day the first year there. I was really sad, but we made plans to make the best of it. A week or so after the holiday schedule was released, I received a phone call from another person in my position who wanted to take my Christmas shift. He didn't have any family and wanted the overtime pay.
I am so grateful for the whisperings of the Spirit in our lives. And so eternally grateful that my Heavenly Father and husband know me enough to keep pushing me and have patience with me so that these blessings could be enjoyed!