
We all have things we need to do to make ourselves better people. Sometimes along the road we may work hard to improve ourselves. At other times, the best we can do is just survive. Endure. I've been in both situations and I'm guessing, so have you.

I get to work with the awesome youth in our church. In doing this, I also have the opportunity to work on a series of goals, just as I did in my youth. This program is called Personal Progress. It made quite an impact on me in my youth, and I have found in the few months since I started it again, there is much I am learning and that brings me strength.

So this blog is a record of my journey on that path. Feel free to comment, I'd love to know about your journey as well.

If you'd like to know more about the Personal Progress program or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, links are to the right. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Choice and Accountability - Value Experience 1

A daughter of God can make wise decisions and solve problems. Read 1 Nephi 15:82 Nephi 32:3Alma 34:19-27Ether 2 and Ether 3; and Doctrine and Covenants 9:7-9. Follow a pattern of regular scripture study and prayer to receive help in making personal decisions such as choosing good friends, being kind to others, getting up on time, or other decisions. Discuss with a parent or leader how regular scripture study and prayer helped you make correct decisions.

I had determined to make scripture study a regualr part of my day again early last October. Then, in November we were challenged by the Stake Relief Society Presidency to read the Book of Mormon by the end of April as the R.S. encouraged the sisters to follow the example of the YW and the Value of Virtue. So I started over. Again. . .but I've stayed with it this time.

I find that if I begin my day with a purpose - namely. . .reading the Book of Mormon, everything else falls into place. Instead of waking up and facing the tasks of the household with drudgery, I face them, not with joy necessarily - but resolve without resentment because I know the order I bring to the house brings joy later. I cannot function when my realm of responsibility is in chaos. When those things are in order, I can handle with patience all of the craziness that is part of our lives after that 4:00 hour. Homework, dinner, playtime, children's household responsibilities (I could write a whole entry on how much easier life would be if I didn't have to teach my children to work), and all of the personalities and moods that accompany all of that.

I was touched when I read Ether chapter 2 with the required reading for this value experience. The Brother of Jared being provided with needed knowledge through continued prayer hit close to home for me in our current "grad student with a family of six" situation.

A little while ago, I started to write down blessings that I can recognize coming to us during this sometimes uncertain time in our lives. At first, I hesitated to do so, as if the blessings were like secrets and if acknowledged, they would disappear. A bit silly and superstitious, I know.

I decided I would much rather be able to look back and remember those blessings than forget. As a result, I carry around with me a grateful heart. Not that I am as full of gratitude as I should be. I fall short a great deal and I know I'm missing being grateful about a good many things.

But I am so grateful for His watchful care over us. His love is SO evident. As much as I've recognized that in the last several months, it makes me wonder how much I've failed to recognize for so many years.

That is what regular prayer and scripture study have done for me. Made my often oblivious heart tender and able to better recognize and be grateful for the many blessings that are mine. . .because of Him.

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