
We all have things we need to do to make ourselves better people. Sometimes along the road we may work hard to improve ourselves. At other times, the best we can do is just survive. Endure. I've been in both situations and I'm guessing, so have you.

I get to work with the awesome youth in our church. In doing this, I also have the opportunity to work on a series of goals, just as I did in my youth. This program is called Personal Progress. It made quite an impact on me in my youth, and I have found in the few months since I started it again, there is much I am learning and that brings me strength.

So this blog is a record of my journey on that path. Feel free to comment, I'd love to know about your journey as well.

If you'd like to know more about the Personal Progress program or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, links are to the right. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

For the Strength of Youth Standard 2: Gratitude

Read about this standard here. Live with a spirit of gratitude.

This week it is hard to focus on gratitude and not on things I wish I could buy. What is it about not having money that makes you want to buy, buy, buy? Maybe not everyone, but I find myself that way. I'm not even a real shopaholic.

Despite the stress of our financial situation, I am happy, and so grateful to be here at school. The kids have been tried and are growing because of it. So are Dave and I. I am grateful for our health too. So far, we have escaped serious injury or illness.

I am particularly grateful for my children. Who they are and who they are becoming. I love each of their personalities. Some days are hard, especially when they are grumpy (or I'm grumpy) or defiant and having a hard time getting along. But I know that even though some days are hard, I'm glad their personalities are strong enough to defend themselves and ask questions when they don't understand and see injustice. My prayer for them is the same as for each of us. That we will someday recognize our potential and have a desire to work towards it AND realize we have the strength to do so.

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